Three years ago my grandmother was killed in a car accident. A few months later, we moved into the house where we live now and inherited several rose bushes. The following spring, we watched with anticipation to see what color blooms each bush would produce. Just outside my bedroom I watched fuchsia buds begin to form, which later gave way to beautiful pink blooms. My grandmother, a former educator and Mary Kay consultant would have loved them. The buds were her signature shade. When my husband saw me looking at the rose buds and noticed the tears that were beginning to well in my eyes, he knew what I was thinking: those buds are the same color her lipstick and fingernails always were! It's funny the little things that can bring back the strongest memories, isn't it? Now, after a little T.L.C., the rose bush is bigger and filled with buds that will soon bloom into beautiful "Mamaw roses."