It has been stated repeatedly that this is a poorly written amendment, full of unintended consequences. In this day and age, things must be written clearly. If there is a loophole or any room for interpretation, people will take advantage of these situations in the most extreme forms. The people who proposed this amendment cannot guarantee that these unintended consequences will not be carried out. Our state has bigger problems than worrying about what method of birth control women use, or what happens to embryos that do not get implanted. Women's health is important and teaching women how to take care of themselves should be of the utmost importance.
I've seen several political ads that show candidates in support of MS 26. I am sick to my stomach about the upcoming election. I thought we had some educated, informed people running for office, but it's obvious that they can't take time out of their busy schmoozing schedules to educate themselves about the implications of such a ridiculous amendment.
I've been told that I could never be a politician because my opinions are not black and white. To me abortion is not a black and white issue though. There are always exceptions (rape, incest, immediate danger to the mother). It should be between and woman and her doctor to determine the best course of treatment. I can't say what I would do if faced with any of these consequences, but I would at least like to have an option.
Ladies, I would ask you this: Do you want your state senator to accompany you to your gynecologist appointment? Do you want your doctor to have to ask permission from the government before saving your life? Infertility is a painful enough issue to deal with, so do you want to have to petition the state for the right to undergo treatment? Imagine after having been through IVF, finally conceiving a child, and then having to spend your pregnancy (a time which should be celebrated!) fighting lawsuits because you and your doctor "killed" people (embryos) during the process. Can you imagine what a colossal waste of time and money this could amount to? Don't even get me started about the issues regarding birth control pills. Mississippi has the highest teen pregnancy rate in the country and has had for the last 10 years! Can you imagine what would happen if we were to limit access to birth control for these young girls? I shutter to think!
Do I wish every baby were born? Yes. While I'm wishing, I might as well make a list:
I wish every baby were born into a loving family.
I wish everybody who wanted to have a baby could. I know some people who would make fantastic parents.
I wish rape and incest never happened.
I wish young girls were not encouraged to get pregnant so they can get a check from the government (yes this happens).
I wish people wouldn't use abortion as a means of birth control.
I wish no woman had to make their choice to save her own life or that of her unborn child.
I also wish for world peace, but it doesn't look like that's happening any time soon.
Do you get my drift here? We can live in a fantasy world or we can choose to live in reality.
The bottom line is this -- It is none of your damn business what I choose to do with my body. It is not the government's job to decide what method of birth control I use, how I get pregnant, or what I choose to do about it. This amendment does more harm than good and I don't see how any doctor who truly believes in the oath they took can stand in defense of it.
CARRIE! I'm so ready to storm the capitol with you!!! I could not have said it better myself, and this whole issue just makes me sick. I really wish you would post this on FB. I think it's very well written.
ReplyDeleteThanks Bice! I did!